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What is MOM?

Manufacturing Operations Management vs Manufacturing Execution Systems

What is "MOM" - Manufacturing Operations Management?

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Depending on who you ask or where you check, MOM, or Manufacturing Operations Management, is a piece of software, a methodology for manufacturing or a digital implementation of that methodology with a focus of aiding factory production. It is not uncommon for the terms MOM, POM, and MES to come up within the same searches. A MOM frequently thought of as a subsequent system to Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software, which expands focus from a single facility to the entire supply network. But we’ll cover that more later.


For this article, we’ll focus on MOM as a methodology for Manufacturing.  Manufacturing operation management (MOM) is an approach of overseeing all aspects of the manufacturing process. It is a collection of systems for managing end-to-end manufacturing processes with a view to optimizing efficiency.


Manufacturing operations management (MOM) uses various planning, organizing, commanding, controlling, and directing resources to optimize manufacturing process – in its simplest form, the transformation of raw materials into a final product with more value than the raw material inputs.


The 4 Functions of MOM

1. To Ensure the Manufacturing Process is Efficient and Economical

The main function of MOM is to ensure the manufacturing process produces a good quality product at a reasonable cost with optimal efficiency and minimum workforce. There may be innumerable techniques for improving efficiency and economy in a manufacturing process, but applying these techniques in an unorganized manner will not result in effective improvement. MOM ensures the implementation of these techniques in an organized and planned manner to achieve better performance.

2. Organize & Command Resources

Manufacturing operations management is a way to plan, organize and command a manufacturing approach using various techniques to improve efficiency or economy. A company that wants to improve performance must first need a plan for improvement performed by the MOM system. MOM consists of various techniques like Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Total quality management, Operations Research (OR), etc. These techniques are not implemented in isolation; they are integrated to achieve better performance.

3. Control and Monitor the Performance

Manufacturing operations management (MOM) is part of the operations management group. The scope of MOM includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the processes of manufacturing organizations. Manufacturing operations management is similar to production planning with some differences in scope. Specifically, production planning’s focus is on inventory control.

4. To Direct and Guide Manpower

MOM consists of several methods and techniques that should effectively direct and guide the workforce towards a particular goal. Tools like Training, Planning, Job Analysis, Job Evaluation, etc., will help direct and guide the workforce better. MOM is, in essence, the implementation of various methods in an organized manner to achieve better performance.


The MOM system must implement proper working techniques that will result in effective improvement. There are numerous techniques for improving the performance of a manufacturing system, but applying them without proper planning and direction will not lead to effective improvement.


MOM Benefits Specific to Manufacturing Environments.

Improves the Manufacturing Process

The main function of manufacturing operations management is to improve the manufacturing process. MOM does not produce goods and services; it only transforms them. The transformation of goods and services is achieved through the production processes. The performance of the production system also affects the performance of the whole organization.

Boosts Profitability

Manufacturing operations management increases profitability and its effectiveness through proper use of resources in manufacturing. It not only reduces manufacturing costs but also improves productivity and quality. Operations management is the way to optimize manufacturing activity and optimize profits.

Enhances Productivity and Quality

MOM can also improve the productivity and quality of the products produced. With the implementation of MOM, organizations can reduce their cycle times, improve quality and reduce product defects. MOM is not used to produce goods and services. Its main function is to improve the existing processes, as a result productivity and quality will also improve.

Promotes Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction levels are usually higher in companies that have implemented MOM successfully. MOM seeks to ensure economic performance by achieving cost reduction, promoting high-quality products, and fostering customer service. MOM should be used to reduce customer costs and improve quality and take feedback from customers into consideration to ensure satisfaction.


Conclusion and MOM vs MES...

Manufacturing operations management is an essential aspect of manufacturing. Its main function is to improve the manufacturing process by reducing production time, quality improvement, and reduction of labor. MOM also improves profitability and productivity by proper selection and use of resources in manufacturing.

MOM is the subsequent system to Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software, which expands focus from a single facility to the entire supply network. An MES monitors a variety of aspects of the manufacturing process, including production capacity analysis, Work-in-Process (WIP), inventory turns and standard lead times and much more. Find out more of how an MES, like MV2, can help with your shop floor’s Visibility and Velocity.

MV2 is Paper-Less' Premiere MES Software for the Microsoft Space. 

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