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See production status for all jobs…in one place
MV2 is the hub for shop floor order information that includes showing what’s in-process, how far along it is and who’s working on them. All this information is available to the manager in one screen.
Take a deeper dive into what MV2 can do
Job sequencing flexibility at your fingertips
The MV2 MES provides the ability for managers to adjust production schedules in an easy, click-and-drag format. Through the Sequence Jobs screen, managers can react to issues and events on the floor or adjust for upcoming customer needs.
Want to see the MV2 manufacturing execution system in action?
Get real-time status almost anywhere with MV2 Andon Boards
MV2’s digital Andon boards are the one-stop screen for understanding which machine or processes are up and running, which are idle and when they go down. These boards can be sent to mobile, seen on the desktop or broadcast to screens across the shop floor.
Immediately know what’s going on with Kanban processes
See where bins are, level of consumption and inventory depletion in real time. Also see all these aspects historically to determine trouble spots and inefficiencies that can’t be easily diagnosed with spot data.