Want to see MV2 in action?
Track jobs in real time from anywhere in the facility
Never get caught by surprise or have to walk the floor to find out. See what’s happening with every order on the floor from one location. Immediate performance updates are delivered to the system for review on desktop, mobile device or on electronic production boards.

Adjust production sequences when issues come up
Have the flexibility to change the order of jobs on the floor with a drag and drop interface. These changes are automatically delivered to the effected areas and processes to increase the speed of reaction to production-altering events.
Learn more about MV2.
Get the right information to the right places
Stop chasing outdated work instructions and losing job travelers. MV2’s digital work instructions is not only a single point of shop floor information control, it also automatically links and distributes orders and instructions to each work cell or operation when needed.

Centralize shop floor data collection
Information is power – especially in manufacturing. Getting all that data into one, easy to access and analyze location is what creates the most useful, actionable information. This is exactly what MV2 does. It is the data base where all shop floor operations report their performance, status, job and location data to. MV2 is designed to capture machine, worker, logistical and quality data make it available in real time.