MV2 Shop Floor Management

Fourth Shift-based MES that takes the worry out of management

Add shop floor management without the workload. MV2 offers the advantages of cloud-based software including a proven integration with Infor Fourth Shift.

MV2 is a SaaS-based manufacturing execution system that’s built to integrate with the Fourth Shift ERP system. It brings all the functionality of shop floor management without the headache of on-site server upkeep or keeping up with updates.

The MES resides in the cloud.

It’s a SaaS application with all the benefits one expects. The software is kept updated by Paper-Less and its presence resides on a highly stable cloud hosting platform. That means no hardware systems to manage, update or worry about crashes.

The MV2 system has been purpose-designed to be compatible with Infor Fourth Shift

Its integration with the ERP has been tested over and over to make sure the software systems will operate smoothly together. Orders transmit to MV2 from Fourth Shift and production data returns to the Infor ERP without the need for manual operations or oversight.

MV2 operates its own database system to record and store production data.

This feature allows the manufacturing execution system to operate independently from the Fourth Shift ERP system. The database makes sure production operations are always on and monitored. It also means the ERP system can be updated when it’s most convenient for systems administrators.

If you’d like to learn more about how MV2 MES is designed to lessen IT loads and provide a more stable overall business system environment, contact us today!

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