Modern Clean Multi-colored Manufacturing Shop floor

Attendance Module

MV2 Attendance

The MV2 Attendance module completely replaces manual and/or disparate time reporting systems for shop floor personnel. MV2 allows you to reconcile attendance data against production data in one system, thereby eliminating the need to merge data from disparate systems to calculate variance time, employee efficiencies, and other production metrics.

MV2 Spinny 2021

Today’s manufacturing companies must balance the need for data with the burden that comes with reporting it. With the current push for more data, the focus turns to the reporting system(s) used to collect it. The requirements become ease of use, accuracy, and maximum return for the investment (of time). The solution can be found in the modules of MV2. You ask your shop floor employees to report activity, from arrival to departure, and all activities during their shift. If attendance reporting is your focus, our MV2-Attendance module sets the stage for simplified attendance reporting. A quick swipe of the badge and that’s it.

Need to check the status? We do that.

Do supervisors need to see who clocked in at shift start? Any terminal can tell you that.

Better visibility, better execution, better performance of your business. Other MV2 modules include:

Production   •   Quality   •   Kanban   •   Inventory

The MV2-Attendance module completely replaces manual and/or disparate time reporting systems for shop floor personnel. Keyed entry, barcode, proximity, or biometric identification systems can all be used with our solution. Increase user adoption by deploying multiple modules to create a comprehensive solution for attendance, production, and inventory reporting. Employees can assess clock status without generating a transaction. Supervisors can see who has clocked in 5 minutes after shift start. HR can define, filter, and review attendance data to any date range. Configuration options and notifications further refine the end-user experience by offering auto-clock in capabilities.


“If you need a new process and don’t install it, you pay for it without getting it.” - Ken Stork

MV2 is Paper-Less' Premiere MES Software for the Microsoft Space. 

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