Managing production operations with a Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) may seem like a nebulous prospect – especially if using systems like these isn’t something one is truly experienced in. At ISE and PaperLess, we understand. To help shed light on what MES like MV2 can do, we’ve outlined the areas where these systems commonly manage on a production floor. While these aren’t everything a well implemented manufacturing execution system can do, the list below is a good representation of the broader strokes of MES capability.
Job Information Routing & Sequencing
Having overarching control over the movement of information on a shop floor can have several benefits. Being able to push job information to the places it needs to be from centralized control software makes sure the correct operation instructions arrive at the correct locations and in the correct order. This offers a massive improvement over trying to correctly route job packets in a timely manner where human carriers can easily get distracted or confused.
Of course, routing happens after effectively sequencing operations in a plant layout. This can also be done much more effectively with an MES system like MV2. Using a well implemented manufacturing execution system can give a manager a complete understanding of every process on the production floor in one location. This total view of operations can show in real time the workloads of all operations. Knowing these elements makes sequencing operations far more efficient and dependable.
Kanban Operations
Manufacturing Execution Systems are a natural fit for managing and enhancing Kanban processes, as MES are highly integrated into the manufacturing process. Cadences can be automated from real production data and distributed as updates to every member in a Kanban team. This integration means Kanban cards can be directly connected to manufacturing processes, not to people making and updating cards. All this ability reduces reliance on human updating and provides an environment where Kanban processes can truly shine.
Inventory Locations, Staging & Routing
Knowing where materials and Work in Progress is on the floor and where it’s going is essential to effectively managing production operations. That knowledge is provided instantly when an MES is integrated with inventory scanning systems. Form initial material intake to when it’s pulled from inventory and increments through the manufacturing operations, that knowledge is recorded and stored in a manufacturing execution system. The software knows where things are at in real time, and it carries a history of data that can be mined for deeper analysis of operational efficiency.
A manager will find this understanding instrumental in properly scheduling production assets and operations. The manager will know immediately what components are on-hand and ready to be operated on and where they are in the production process. Combining this information with individual operations’ performance and availability creates a highly granular and efficient production management that returns value almost immediately.
Worker Attendance, Job Assignments & Process Logging
Managing people is a process that many managers view as distinct from watching the performance of machinery or automation cells, but overall production performance all but requires integrating both aspects as one system. Manufacturing execution systems provide that complete view. Coupling an MES to worker attendance and job logging systems allows for this integration. MV2 can collate this worker data with other production data to present that complete production picture. Just like assigning materials and hardware to certain operations, MES allows the manager to do the same with production personnel.
Even from a passive perspective, collecting human workforce data can find bottlenecks in operations that would be difficult to discover otherwise. Effective job log tracking can enlighten a manager to tasks that require two operators to be effective instead of the belief only one is necessary. The data can also indicate which operators are more effect at each process to make sure the best worker is paired with their most efficient task.
In a day-to-day situation, manufacturing execution systems are adept at transmitting production notes and job assignments directly to work cells. The MES not only does it far quicker than printed out orders or word of mouth, but it also disseminates the information without the errors of routing or human interpretation that’s found in previous methods.
These are only a fraction of the systems and processes a manufacturing execution system can manage. If you are looking for more information on what a MES can do for your production facility, contact Paper-Less today.
Reducing idled processes and aligning production closer to sales orders. Optimize manufacturing operations to available materials, work-in-process and customer demand quicker and more efficiently.
Analyzing the entire production operation from one application. MV2 interfaces with new and most legacy production systems – down to the PLC if necessary, finally bringing all that data to one place.