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MV2 is Paper-Less' Premiere Cloud-based MES Software

Master your manufacturing operation with MV2-MES.

MV2 is a software platform that connects, monitors, and coordinates complex manufacturing systems, data flows, as well as people on a shop floor. MV2 provides a holistic understanding of the production floor and its operation.

MV2 is the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) platform that can make all these systems work in concert – without chasing paperwork or collating disparate data sources by hand. This ability allows managers to make educated decisions, extracting the greatest amount of throughput and quality out of a facility.

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Efficiently utilize your workforce with our labor tracking features. MV2 provides the ability to ‘clock in’ to specific jobs through a touchscreen. This allows managers to understand how labor time is spent in real-time and the ability to analyze labor usage over time.


MV2 provides managers with alerts when machines or work centers enter downtime situations. That means actions can be taken quickly rather than finding out issues have developed only at the end of shifts or work weeks.


With MV2 managers can receive immediate alerts to failure rate increases and connect these failures to specific inventory batches. MV2 can help you take it a step further by tracing labor resources to scrap production to pinpoint the source of scrap.


MV2 can replace shop floor paperwork for Kanban cards, labor tracking paperwork, and quality and testing processes. MV2 can collect all this information as it happens and present it immediately.


MV2's ERP system compatibility has been tested and integrated with many popular ERP systems. If your ERP system is not featured, our ISE integration team is highly experienced at connecting MV2 shop floor management functionality to other systems.


MV2 is a cloud-based application that provides the benefits cloud-based systems offer. These include scalability that grows with you and software that’s always up to date, always on, and managed remotely.

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The Production Module is designed to give managers and supervisors unparalleled visibility into shop floor operations. 

MV2 helps shop floor workers focus their time on doing, rather than reading and typing. Minimizing input utilizing touchscreens, bar codes, and “predictive” transactions (that only need confirmation, not data entry), workers will save keystrokes and footsteps.

Replace manual time reporting systems for shop floor workers and reconcile attendance data against production data in one system.

MV2 supports Kanban methods and lean manufacturing through electronic reporting and tracking tools.

The Quality Module represents a multi-point quality management platform that’s highly integrated with the MV2 Production Module.

Seamlessly integrate production and inventory reporting to enhance visibility into tracking materials.

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KPIs & Dashboards

The KPI & Dashboard Module is designed to leverage shop floor reporting already taking place in Paper-Less MES. This module modernizes your shop floor providing increased visibility, enabling communication, and driving responsiveness.

Workcenter Downtime Hours Dashboard
OEE Dashboard

See Your Data Your Way

This module provides significant configuration options to personalize your experience including:

  • Selectable Chart Types
  • Custom Date Range Capability
  • Target Workcenter(s)
  • Actual Versus Expected Pieces
  • Specify Single or Multiple Workcenter Dashboard

Current KPIs Metrics Support

  • Job & Workcenter Performance
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Performance/Quality/Availability Numbers
  • Quality Defect Code Reporting
  • Downtime Indicators 
  • Workcenter Status and Performance Indicators 
  • Manufacturing Cycle Time
  • On-Time Manufacturing

Deeply Integrated with Manufacturing Operations

Advantages of MV2's Digital Work Instructions

Remove guessing & hesitation in production by having access to directions, schematics, videos & more - Do the job right the 1st time!


Monitoring the Shop Floor with Digital Production Boards

Get real-time awareness of production operations anywhere in the facility with MES-managed dashboards

Digital work instructions, work cell scheduling, Manufacturing monitoring

Pre-Integrated with Microsoft BC

We support our customers across the entire service life of our MES systems. From providing on-site analysis of our customer’s needs and processes to following that up with software integration and training at the customer’s facilities, we are invested in our customer’s success. Learn more about what our solutions can do for you!

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