Introduction to the ISE CPQ Unique Item Generator
Developed by ISE to enhance the Infor CPQ to Infor XA interface
In the interface between the Infor CPQ Configurator and Infor XA, the normal process flow involves the creation of a new XA EPDM Item Process record linked to the configured item for each unique configuration. Every configured line item on a Quote or Customer Order ends up consisting of a new Item Process that references the Bill of Material and Routing generated by the user’s answers to the questionnaire in CPQ Configurator.
The needs of some XA customers, however, are not satisfied with the generation of a new Item Process for a configured item. Rather, some XA customers require that a new unique item number be generated for each unique configuration. ISE’s “CPQ Unique item Generator” application was designed to meet the needs of XA customers with this requirement.
ISE’s “CPQ Unique Item Generator” application loops through all the line item records on a Customer Order, replacing each line item containing a configured Item Process with a line item containing a unique item number. These new unique items will retain all the characteristics of the original configured Item Process and will be fully functional items in XA – with all required underlying EPDM, MM and CSM records automatically created. The item-numbering scheme for the new unique items is flexible and can be set up to accommodate your company’s needs.
A second big piece of functionality in the ISE “CPQ Unique Item Generator” opens up the CPQ-to-XA interface to transfer much more data from a CPQ configuration session to XA than the standard interface allows. By using the ISE “CPQ Unique Item Generator,” a lot more data can be passed from CPQ to XA than the base set of data included in the “vanilla” CPQ-to-XA integration. This custom data can end up residing in fields that XA knows about and utilizes in normal XA processing, along with residing in user fields and fields in custom extension files. This allows an opportunity for a great deal of custom business logic to be incorporated into the ISE “CPQ Unique Item Generator”.
Other core portions of the functionality include multiple options to tailor the application at the application level, the XA site level, the XA product level, the XA user level, and the XA warehouse level. In addition, the ISE “CPQ Unique Item Generator” contains multiple business objects to capture logging information that makes any required analysis or troubleshooting as easy and straightforward as possible.