Infor has recently announced that it will be moving to the Corretto 8 version of Java. Some of ISE’s customers have asked what this means for them, and that is the focus of this article.
In 2018, Oracle announced that they would start charging businesses for the use of Java SE in January 2019. Because the Infor XA Client uses Java SE, Infor decided that they would transition to a different version of Java for the Client. Enter Corretto 8.
Corretto 8 is a free, multi-platform version of Java that is backed by Amazon, and they also use it internally in their company. It is fully compatible with Oracle’s Java and is marketed as an effective drop-in to replace Java SE. Corretto will be continuously enhanced, and quarterly updates will be provided.
So, what does that mean for you as an Infor XA customer? Infor has started laying the groundwork for the transition to Corretto 8 in the last few Client Fix updates at both 9.1 and 9.2. One thing to watch for is a schema change when initially updating the Client past 3.89 for 9.1 or 1.47 for 9.2. The final versions of the Client Fix updates accessed via SH16073 and SH15782 are slated to be delivered in late 2019 (October as of this writing). After that, Corretto Client Fix updates will be available under new PTF numbers. Infor has been sending out information about this transition in Product Advisory Report e-mails, so watch your e-mail for future announcements.
There is a lengthy installation guide for the Corretto Transition available on Infor Xtreme. For customers desiring assistance with the Corretto Transition, ISE can help. Our consultants are already versed in the transition process and are available to assist customers. Simply contact your ISE Account Executive for more information.
Sharon Foster
Senior Programmer/Analyst with Information Systems Engineering, Inc.
Did Infor tell you that at the .50 service pack of SH16073 that they broke the Excel export function? Did they also tell you (they just told us) that they know how to fix it but will only fix the Corretto version? Isn’t SH16073 still actually supported?
SH16073 is the PTF we use to update the traditional XA Client, which is built with Oracle Java. As you probably know, Oracle has started charging businesses who use their Java. Infor decided to create a new version of the Client, which is the one that is built over Corretto Java (a free Amazon product). Infor had sent out multiple announcements last year letting Customers know that the traditional Client was in its final few months of Client Fixes. As of now, the final Client Fix has been issued. So at this point, if anything needs to be fixed, it’s going to be fixed in the new Corretto Client only, as that is now considered the replacement of the traditional Client. It’s just like when a product is discontinued, but a new and improved version of the product is then offered.
To directly answer the question, SH16073 (the traditional Client) is still supported, in that you can inquire with Infor Support if you have an issue, and they will help you with it if they can. However, no new fixes will be made to the traditional Client. Only the Corretto Client is eligible for fixes going forward. I hope this helps to clarify the situation further. We’d be happy to further discuss the specifics and benefits of the Corretto Transition with you when you are ready!