Your company’s main motivation is discovering innovative and efficient ways to continue driving sales by meeting customers’ needs. Infor CPQ maximizes consumer interest during their product research phase and before direct contact with a sales representative.
Success in the digital economy is heavily based on establishing a seamless user experience. Infor CPQ offers the direct benefits of personalized interactive product visuals, faster product introductions, and timely quotes to ensure customer satisfaction and revenue.
Your sales team is continuously selling certain products that offer configurations that can mold to the desires of your customers. Digital buyers’ interest in your product is sparked when they can easily view your offerings. Infor CPQ’s graphics dive deeper than a simple still product image, this software offers augmented reality, 3D assemblies, 2D drawings, and interactive 3D options. A powerful feature of the program is an augmented reality which puts customers at ease by letting them place the product in a physical space. The interactive 3D grants customers the power to explore the details and complexities of the product. These same 3D capabilities can support the sales and manufacturing industries through the dynamic generation of assembled 3D models. The last aspect of the visual confirmation is 2D drawings which can easily be generated through the software for 2D CAD drawings.
A traditional sales representative may require months to years of training to learn many of these configurations before quotes can be delivered to your customer quickly and error-free. If you cannot provide these personalized product configurations, you’re susceptible to losing business in this competitive market. Infor CPQ software quickly configures the correct product offerings to meet your customer’s needs. Through the power of Infor CPQ’s advanced software, it allows the system to recommend product add-ons and deal recommendations to quickly upsell the right products to fit your customer’s needs. Infor CPQ empowers your sales reps with the help of guided selling to consistently generate optimal product line offerings.
Infor CPQ is a great solution for manufacturers due to its ability to handle both simple and complex pricing figures. This system has proven to be more effective in this crucial area, the quote generation is ten times faster which has correlated with a 40 percent increase in quote volume. The system automates pricing to help streamline sales processes and generate more accurate customer sales data. Companies that utilize CPQ software reduce their sales cycles tremendously by offering users timely quotes and automated sales insights by putting your customers in the driver’s seat to customize product designs.
The constant speed of the market requires companies to release new products to customers to stay on the edge and ahead of competitors and grow market share. As your product line expands and is updated you can have a piece of mind that your Infor CPQ will do the same to match your current offerings. The ease of Infor CPQ eliminates time-based delays between product launches and releases by eliminating the need for cumbersome processes that slow time-to-market.

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