We Are Honored That Our Manufacturing Execution Systems Are Recognized and Awarded

Frost & Sullivan - Manufacturing Leadership Award 2017
The Manufacturing Leadership Awards Judging Panel was very Impressed with Rauland’s ‘Smart Manufacturing Initiative’ which enabled fully digitized manufacturing processes through the use of scanners, touch-screen displays, and an advanced Manufacturing Execution System,” said Jeff Moad, research director and director of the Manufacturing Leadership Awards Program at Frost & Sullivan. “With essential support from Paper-Less LLC, Rauland, a division of AMETEK, Inc., was able to achieve full part traceability, improve operational efficiency, and meet regulatory requirements.”

Worldwide Discrete Manufacturing Execution System 2016 Vendor Assessment
According to its analysis and buyer perception, IDC Manufacturing Insights positioned Paper-Less as a Major Player in this IDC MarketScape

Frost & Sullivan - Engineering & Production Technology Leadership Award
The Manufacturing Leadership Awards Judges were extremely impressed with CPI Aerostructures’ Digital Paint Log System initiative which was a winner of the 2016 Manufacturing Leadership Award,” said Jeffrey Moad, Research Director with Frost & Sullivan Manufacturing Leadership and Director of the Manufacturing Leadership Awards. “With support from technology partner Paper-Less, LLC, CPI Aerostructures streamlined record-keeping, achieve a key accreditation, reduced costs, and improved its quality assurance processes. Congratulations for a job well done.

CIO Review - 20 Most Promising ERP Solution Providers 2015
"Paper-Less addresses the challenge of most ERP Vendors who lack comprehensive production management solutions. By providing a unified platform, the solutions Paper-Less has developed have distinctive features to extend ERP's capabilities to the manufacturing floor without significant overlap."

CIO Review - 20 Most Promising Aerospace Solution Providers 2015
"The Paper-Less MV2 Manufacturing Execution System (MES) ensures Aerospace/Defense manufacturing accountability and quality while increasing efficiency and addressing compliance requirements. The solution optimizes information flowing across the shop floor and the enterprise—to support real-time or historical analysis of production, operations and workflows for achieving business goals."

Manufacturing Tech Insights - Top 10 Manufacturing Execution System Providers 2015
An annual listing of 10 market disruptors that are in the forefront of providing Manufacturing Execution Systems and impacting the manufacturing industry

Frost & Sullivan - Manufacturing Leadership Award 2015
Paper-Less earned a Manufacturing Leadership Technology Partner Award for contributing advanced, procedure-centric manufacturing execution system (MES) software which was used as crucial technology for accomplishing the goals.