ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), to help organizations ensure key stakeholders’ needs are met and exceeded. There are currently over one million organizations certified to ISO 9001 spanning 170 countries.
Customer focus
The base of the principles is being customer-centered, especially when considering designing products and offering services. This requires organizations to survey, listen, and adapt to customer feedback to improve processes that strengthen performance.
The key to successful leadership is based on having a clear vision for the company’s future and the ability to communicate that to others. This will keep internal teams on the same page and looking to achieve the same goal.
Engagement of people
Cross communication is a fundamental skill for ensuring people are engaged at all levels of an organization. This allows employees to feel empowered when making decisions for their departments, as opposed to heavily relying on upper management. In return, employees will be happier and have higher levels of productivity.
Process approach
ISO handles processes with the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) which was designed to promote a process-driven workplace culture that is followed by everyone, regardless of department. When there is a strong process, it gives businesses some predictability with certain results.
Continuous improvement is a strong core of the ISO 9001 system, and this trickles down to everyone within an organization. When companies can identify risks and opportunities it can help identify and resolve issues to help with improvement. When companies are focused on continuous improvement in turn customer satisfaction normally increases as well.
Evidence-based decision making
To make well-informed decisions businesses rely on analyzing data. The data used needs to be accurate and trustworthy. When executives rely on instinct alone to make decisions it can lead to costly and incorrect outcomes. When organizations use a data-driven approach it improves confidence, eliminates guesswork, and allows management to review and analyze past and future decisions objectively.
Relationship management
Relationship management relies heavily on how well a business can interact with key stakeholders such as customers, board members, supplies, and others. This includes managing internal relationships and customer expectations to develop positive long-term partnerships.
Infor has created software to complete a supply chain with the help of Infor Quality Management (IQM). IQM is a fully integrated enterprise system that focuses on quality assurance within operations. This software support industry standards and one of them is ISO 9001. Infor Quality Management brings control, consistency, and predictability to your product lifecycle and supply management activities, which can bring products to market faster, with quality performance.
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